
We are pleased to be able to announce that our President, 1979 World Snooker Champion Terry Griffiths, has introduced an offer for his coaching time, available to all paid up members of Welsh Snooker.

Terry has offered a 50% discount for lessons at The Terry Griffiths Matchroom for all members of Welsh Snooker and this offer is available to all age groups. His usual rate is £120 per hour for amateurs so members will only pay £60 per hour. Given Terry coaches a number of professionals competing at the high end of the rankings, this is a very good offer indeed.

You can contact Terry on 07768 350975 or by email on to obtain more information and to make a booking.

Snooker Coaching in Wales

In January 1998 Terry Griffiths, (then coaching director of the World Professional Snooker Association) invited a number of potential coaches to a seminar at his Matchroom snooker club in Llanelli. An extensive training course took place over two days and the administrative structure of The Coaching Foundation was formed. The coaching scheme adheres to the guidelines of the Welsh sports council and all coaches who qualify are issued with a certificate, I.D. card, tie and blazer badge.

They all have structured coaching plans, which helps provide uniformity throughout the foundation. Only coaches who can produce the above criteria are bone fide coaches working under the guidelines of the Welsh Coaching foundation and the auspices of the Welsh Billiards & Snooker Association. Several Regional coaches have been appointed who work with their area coaches to co-ordinate coaching in their region. Regional coaches are qualified to train and examine new coaches and a recruitment scheme is in operation to bring more new coaches into the scheme.

All potential new coaches are strictly vetted. They then undergo extensive training and are finally orally and practically examined. Only those who satisfy their examiner in all aspects are then invited to join the foundation. Thus ensuring the continuance of the extremely high standards all Welsh coaches aspire to.

The Role Of Coaching

Coaching performs a vital role in all walks of life - business, drama, music and of course sport. Coaching is defined as whenever someone is prepared to share their expertise and experience with another, combining demonstration, explanation and advice hrough a planned and structured process. Effective coaching helps the participant gain improvement and thus more enjoyment in their chosen activity.

The Importance of Coaching in Wales

Wales has long enjoyed a prestigious position in the world of snooker. A structured and effective coaching foundation performs a vital link in the overall infrastructure of our sport. The success of our players has created role models for a new generation of young players to follow. In order for them to achieve similar success they must have access to fully qualified coaches on a local basis.

Child Safety

The safety and well being of all pupils in our care is of paramount importance. All welsh coaches have attended courses dealing with child protection procedures. The Foundation also has a Child Protection Officer whose job it is to deal with any incidents relating to child welfare. This person has extensively studied R.S.P.C.C. and Sports Council guidelines and is fully conversant with correct Child welfare procedures.

Aims of The Foundation

  • The Welsh Coaching Foundation exists to spread awareness and availability of coaching in Wales, which will in turn, promotes interest and participation in our game.
  • To make Coaching available to all standard of player throughout Wales.
  • To recruit new young players into snooker, and through our Junior Clubs, Coaching classes and individual lessons help them to learn the games, improve their performance levels and reach their full potential.
  • To introduce our pupils to competitive play in our Junior Club Tournaments, progressing through to W.B.S.A events.
  • To instill in all our pupils the importance of correct snooker etiquette and good sportsmanship.
  • To assist and guide players in every way possible through a well organized and structured coaching program.
  • To recruit and train more Coaches.
  • To work closely with the W.B.S.A to help ensure the continued success of Welsh Snooker.

© Welsh Snooker (WBSA) 2025

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