Life Members

Like any amateur organisation, the WBSA is run by a small group of volunteers who give up many hours of their time during the year. Whilst some names come and go, many tend to stay for several years and without the stability and guidance offered by these people, it is easy to see that the whole thing could grind to a halt.

It is only right and proper when members have made a notable and lasting contribution to running this organisation, that it is recognised in a suitable manner. With this in mind, we have introduced the recognition of Life Membership for those that have contributed so much in the past.

Therefore, we are pleased to confirm that Life Membership of the Welsh Billiards and Snooker Association has been awarded to: -

  • Bob Watkins (2016)
  • John Dobson (2016)
  • John Terry (2016)
  • Gordon Pantall (2016)

Pictured below are John Dobson, Gordon Pantall and Bob Watkins

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