Welsh Championship 2012-13 - 2nd round results

North Wales

  1. Ross Jones 4-2 Jack Bradford
  2. Daniel Roberts 0-4 Gareth Edwards
  3. Steve Thomas 4-2  Carl Bennett
  4. Alex Taubman 4-0 Richard King

South Wales

  1. David John 4-1 Ron Allen
  2. Ben Jones 2-4 Jamie Clarke
  3. Ross Jones 4-2 Callum Lloyd
  4. Thomas Davie 1-4 Allan Morgan
  5. Andrew Pagett W/O - 0 David Redrup
  6. Rhydian Richards 4-2 John Bevan
  7. Tyler Rees 0-4 Ian Sargeant
  8. Byron Sage 0-4 Paul Thomas
  9. Duane Jones 0-4 Tom Rees
  10. Mark Fenton 0-4 Darren Morgan
  11. Kishan Hirani 4-0 David Hard
  12. Mark Stoneman 3-4 Marcel Price
  13. Wayne Jones 4-1 Bob Watkins
  14. Neil Tomkins 2-4 Alun Squire

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