Mens Event Two - Qualifying Round Results

This weekend has seen Event Two played out across three venues, North and South.

First up on Saturday down at Brackla were the boys from the East, with David John and Jak Jones going through to the Finals next week. David John having three excellent wins against Sam Thomas, Andrew Pagett and Kishan Hirani and Jak Jones being succesful without conceding a frame.

Sunday saw North and Westp lay their rounds at Ewloe/Airbus and The Matchroom Llanelli respectively. Up North, wInner of Event One Alex Taubman raced through, Nathan Davenport also made it through without too much drama. Jack Bradford had a tough group with two difficult matches against Richard King (3-2) and Matt Roberts (3-1) before seeing off young Daniel Gorton in the last round 3-0. In the West area group, the tournament started off very slowly with a lot of safety play, and some very long matches going to final frame deciders. It picked up momentum in the final matches to qualify, with a nice 81 break from Jamie Clarke in his match with Paul Thomas to qualify 3-0. The most impressive match of the day was Jordan Stiens 58 plus 109 breaks in his match with Lewis Grey to qualify 3-1. Tom Rees had a very tight match with Rhydian Richards going to the decider which Tom managed to qualify 3-2.

The final draw sheets can be found below

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