Home Internationals - Future team arrangements

As the new season is underway, we feel we should clarify some points with regard to the Home Internationals

With the number of countries elligible for entry into the Home Internationals (Wales, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man), there is only one guaranteed entry per country as the number of matches, time, referees and tables available limit each age panel to a maximum of 8 teams. We therefore nominate, as per clause 8.3.3 in the constitution, a team (not teams) for the Home Internationals.

Occasionally in the past, we have been asked to nominate a second team for inclusion in Mens or Masters to help ensure that the competition has sufficient numbers of teams to fulfill the match programme needed. We are not guaranteed to be asked for a second team in any of the age panels and therefore can only reiterate that we will nominate a team of four players in each of the categories. We can only canvass other players for second teams if the HIBSF committee request us to submit additional teams as unless they do so, there will be no room for a second team to enter.

If we are requested to submit a second team and players are available, those who are selected will be invited to order their waistcoats if needed.

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