Notices of Motions for AGM

With the AGM due on the 30th June 2019 (see THIS ARTICLE) we confirm that there have been two Notice of Motion to be considered by the members.

1. Revision to Dress Code. The WBSA is to introduce a new Dress Code for all Ranking Events. This shall be a minimum of shoes, long trousers and a plain, long sleeved, collared shirt. Jeans, trainers, t-shirts and polo shirts will not be allowed.

2. Funding distribution. The WBSA wishes to clarify funding distribution. Presently each international event is allocated a budget, with the funds being expended on the No 1 player, following which surplus is allocated to the next in line who attends. This will be formalised to a declared % distribution, to give clarity to all players at the season outset. As an example, if £800 is budgetted for and the agreed division is 75%/25%, #1 player will be allocated £600 whilst the next in line would know they are allocated £200. The final % split to be decided by the WBSA Committee prior to the start of the 2019-2020 season in September and published.

If you have any views on the above, please attend the AGM on the 30th June at 3pm, Sofia Gardens and make your voice heard.


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