Welsh Snooker AGM 2021

Members and Officers of the WBSA are hereby advised that in accordance with the Constitution, it is our intention to hold the Annual General Meeting in June 2021. The AGM will be held over Microsoft Teams and will be accessible via either a Teams log in or direct through an internet browser. A link to join will be made available prior to the event taking place.

With this in mind, we are giving you extended notice of the date, which has been set as the 20th June 2021. Notices of Motion and nominations for the election of Officers of the Association must be received in writing by Mr. Paul Taylor (Secretary, WBSA, email paul.taylor@welshsnooker.com). The deadline date for this is to be the 30th May 2021. Notices of Motion and nominations will be published on this website 2 weeks prior to the AGM.

Members or Officers submitting Notices of Motion and / or nomination of Officers, must be in attendance at the AGM to discuss the proposals. Should they not be in attendance, the Notice of Motion or Nomination will be deemed as withdrawn.

In addition to the above, it is our intention to co-opt one or more 'Parent/Player Representatives' onto the committee. This will occur at the AGM and interested parties should make their intentions known via nomination as per the process for Nomination of Officers.

The agenda will be: -

Chairman’s Address

Minutes of 2019 Meeting

Chairman’s Report

Treasurer's Report

Statement of Accounts

Media Officer's Report

Election of Officers (Treasurer and Chairman)

Appointment of Parent/Player Representative(s)

Appointment of Auditors

Notices of Motion


Updated 06/06/21

The following nominations were received: -

Parent/Player Representative - Leon Cosker

Chairman - Tony Cannon


Notices of Motion

The extent of the miss rule to be applied during the U14 and U16 events is to be clarified and limited.
When a player competing in the U14 or U16 tournament classes is snookered, the miss rule is to be implemented in the following way:-
1. If the player does not escape from the snooker on the first attempt and it is deemed as a miss, then a miss shall be called. The opposing player may then, as the rules of snooker, elect to play from where the white has finished, ask for the player to play again from where the white has finished or ask for the balls to be replaced.
2. if the player does not escape from the snooker on the second attempt, the opposing player may either elect to play from where the white has finished or ask for the player to play again from where the white has finished. A miss shall not be called on the second attempt.
If, as the rules of snooker, a player is not snookered and able to hit full centre ball of the object ball but fails to do so, a miss may be called two times and after the second miss the player will be advised that failure to hit the object ball will result in the frame being awarded against them.
In relation to the above, the standard rules of the free ball and the requirement for there to be sufficient points available in play for the non-striker to win without snookers or a re-spot will still apply.


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